Suddenly, they hear a big bang from where Rico is. Skipper interrupts him, still trying to hypnotize Private. Private: Um, I don't think that works the way you think it. Skipper starts waving his flippers around Private, hoping that Private would be hypnotized. Remember that, then forget you ever heard it. Skipper: There's no such thing as too paranoid, Private. What was left of them came home in a manila envelope. Skipper: Manfredi and Johnson thought so. I mean we already have fourteen escape tunnels.

Skipper: Even better, full-blown paranoia. Private: Isn't this a bit overly cautious? Kowalski: Nearing completion on escape tunnel number fifteen Skipper. Glowing sticks were stuck on the ceiling so they can see. Skipper, Kowalski, and Private were looking at a map on the floor. Rico was digging dirt out of the way with a spoon and had a glowing stick stuck on his head with gum. Skipper: (echo) Kowalski, progress report. Inside the penguins HQ, a hole was in one of the walls 14 Scene XIV: Penguin Habitat (Topside).12 Scene XII: Underground Base (Later: Cage).Let’s hope that with a new administration and an outsider to the EPA (Scott Pruitt), we can actually put an end to the destruction of our atmosphere and our wildlife. All the government alphabet agencies know about it and were involved in the coverup. The experimenting started under Bush and was much more heavily implemented under Obama, particularly in the the last few months of his last term. And aerosols are known to deplete the ozone layer. They are using large amounts of aerosols to spray these chemicals, after all. The chemicals sprayed are supposedly a plan to “help climate change”, but it is all very suspect and not on the up and up. Have you noticed “contrails” of planes that are very prominent and don’t disappear, but instead expand and billow into clouds that cover the sun? These planes spray overnight as well, so you awake to a sky mostly covered in a haze of gray. We have been subjected to a government geo-engineering program without our will or knowledge. To all who have recently questioned where have all the squirrels or other wildlife/food supply gone, the answer is to LOOK UP. If you have an oak tree, drop us a comment below and let me know whether the acorns are dropping in huge numbers, or the squirrels are being overly active. So, now I’m wondering is this is just a case of one crazy, overly-greedy squirrel with an outdated calendar? Does this guy know something we don’t? Or is he just afraid of the cost of food and fuel next winter? The nuts hitting the deck were cacophonous, and there were so many I couldn’t see the wooden deck beneath them! Last night, I slept with my bedroom window open and, at around 6 a.m., I could hear a squirrel going crazy shaking the acorns out of the oak tree outside my window. I cleaned it all up just in time to spend four days in Phoenix on business.

Last week, I noticed “a ton” of acorns on my driveway and back deck. It’s also said that squirrels will start gathering these nuts earlier than usual to fortify themselves against a hard winter. One of the many traditionally cited signs of a hard winter is an unusual abundance of acorns. With this ongoing heat wave around the country, I don’t think anyone is seriously thinking about winter, except maybe the squirrels in my neighborhood.